Lets you cook ahead and still serve piping hot meals
Capital’s Maestro 30" Warming Drawer gives you the convenience of three customizable temperaturesettings, is manufactured in stainless steel and glass, has an adjustable OFF timer, large temperatureand timer display, ball bearing slides allowing smooth opening and closing of the drawer, and is outdoorcompatible. The EW Model allows you to integrate the drawer into your surrounding cabinetryby mounting your own wood panel to the front.

- Three User Adjustable Factory Preset Temperatures (120° ; 145° ; 200°).
- Factory Preset Temperatures can be customized to Owner’s needs.
- OFF Timer Adjustable from 5 minutes to 4 hours. Turns Drawer OFF
- Continuous ON Option allows extended safe Warming without resetting.
- Large Temperature and Timer display for easy viewing in light or darkness.
- Moisture Vent allows moisture to escape or retain. (MWD30E-S model only)
- 500 Watt 120 Volts Heating Element.
- Removable Drawer for easy cleaning.
- Ball-Bearing Slides allow smooth opening and closing
- Self Closing feature slides smoothly to seal the drawer
- Available for Wood Paneling installation. (Model MWD30E-W)